Poland-Czech Republic Cross-Border Operational Programme 2007-2013

Project title:  Risk and benefits of application of exogenous organic matter on soil / Zagrożenia oraz korzyści wynikające z wprowadzania do gleb egzogennej materii organicznej

Programme: Poland-Czech Republic Cross-Border Operational Programme 2007-2013

Priority axis: Strengthening accessibility, environmental protection and risk prevention
Supported area: Environmental protection

Official webiste of the program


The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget.



 No. of the project: CZ.3.22/1.2.00/12.03445

Project coordinator: Centralny Instytut Nadzoru i Badań w Rolnictwie, Brno, Republika Czeska / ÚKZÚZ Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture

Project partner and representative of the Institute: Assoc. Prof. DSc Magdalena FRĄC

Other participants of IA PAS: Prof. DSc Jerzy Lipiec, Assoc. Prof. DSc Andrzej Bieganowski, Assoc. Prof. DSc Małgorzata Brzezińska

Duration of the project: 2013-2015

Amount for IA PAS: 190 000 euro

Project partners:


Central Institute for Supervising and Testing in Agriculture  lead partner (CZ)

Hroznová 63/2 
CZ-60300 Brno 
Czech Republic

Contact person: Stanislav Malý 
e-mail: stanislav.maly@ukzuz.cz 


Palacký University in Olomouc (CZ)

tř. Svobody 686/26 
CZ-77900 Olomouc 
Czech Republic

Contact person: Bořivoj Šarapatka 
e-mail: borivoj.sarapatka@upol.cz

 Ústav pěstování rostlin a pedologie

Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State research institute  (PL)

Czartoryskich 8 
PL-24-100 Puławy 

Contact person: Grzegorz Siebielec 
e-mail: gs@iung.pulawy.pl

 Polská akademie věd

Institute of Agrophysics. Bohdan Dobrzanski, Polish Academy of Sciences (PL)

Doswiadczalna 4 
PL-20-290 Lublin 

Contact person: Magdalena Frąc 
e-mail: mfrac@ipan.lublin.pl

The aims of the project were:

The aim of this project is to assess the current status of SOM in the region, to evaluate the amount and quality of produced EOM and to propose a set of analytical tools which can be routinely used for safe and effective application of EOM on soil.

The specific objectives of the project:

The results of the project:

  1. A. Bieganowski, S. Malý, M. Frąc, I.H. Tuf, M. Váňa, M. Brzezińska, G. Siebielec, J. Lipiec, B. Šarapatka, 2015, Laboratory manual (Podręcznik metodyczny).
  2. S. Malý, G. Siebielec, 2015, Badania egzogennej materii organicznej w celu bezpiecznego stosowania do gleby.
  3. S. Malý, G. Siebielec, 2015, Badania egzogennej materii organicznej w celu bezpiecznego stosowania do gleby (wersja skrócona).
  4. R. Kaczyński, G. Siebielec, R. Gałązka, J. Niedźwiecki, S. Polakova, 2013, Assessment of Soil Organic Carbon Status and Changes in Soils of Polish-Czech Borderland.
  5. Newsletter 1
  6. Newsletter 2
  7. Newsletter 3