Development of Centre of Excellence AGROPHYSICS

Project "Infrastructure development and laboratories refitting of the Centre of Excellence AGROPHYSICS"

The aim of the project:
Improving conditions for running economic activity, developing and diffusion of innovative enterprises between science sphere and economy in Lubelskie area by:

  • increasing of use of the scientific research by business in the range of quality control of plant materials used for food and non-food purposes,
  • enhancement institutional cooperation in the region in order to implement of innovative solutions in small and medium enterprises from agricultural and food sector,
  • increase of control of the state of the natural environment in the region,
  • improvement of education level.

Total value of the project amounts 25 mln PLN (about 5.9 mln €), whereof the amount of 23 mln PLN (about 5.2 mln €) comes from Operational Programme Development of Eastern Poland 2007 – 2013.

The period of project implementation is 2008-2010.

In the frame of the project three investment tasks are realised:

  • I. Superstructure of new laboratory building
  • II. Thermomodernisation of main building of Institute of Agrophysics
  • III. Refitting of laboratories in modern research equipment.

Modern laboratories: monitoring and modelling of the natural environment, soil improvement, hydrophysics, thermography, microscopy, organic analysis, gases analysis, particle dimensions analysis, sensory analysis, surface properties, physical properties of plant materials, physics of granular materials, qualitative evaluation of grain, evaluation of utilitarian value of oil plants, electronic laboratory.

Contact person:
Justyna Cybulska 

Project team