


  1. Montusiewicz A., Pasieczna-Patkowska S., Lebiocka M., Szaja A., Szymańska-Chargot M.:  Hydrodynamic cavitation of brewery spent grain diluted by wastewater (2017 r.) Chemical Engineering Journal 2017, Vol. 313, 946-956. link
  2. Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Wilczewska A., Markiewicz K.:  Effect of dietary fibre polysaccharides on structure and thermal properties of gluten proteins – A study on gluten dough with application of FT-Raman spectroscopy, TGA and DSC (2017 r.) Food Hydrocolloids 2017, Vol. 69, 410-421. link
  3. Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Wilczewska A., Markiewicz K.:  Aggregation of gluten proteins in model dough after fibre polysaccharide addition (2017 r.) Food Chemistry 2017, Vol. 231, 51-60. link
  4. Kozioł A.,, Cybulska J., Pieczywek P.M, Zdunek A., 2017. Changes of pectin nanostructure and cell wall stiffness inducedin vitro by pectinase. Carbohydrate Polymers 161, 197–207. link
  5. Konopacka D., Cybulska J., Zdunek A., Dyki B., Machlanska A., Celejewska K.. 2017. The combined effect of ultrasound and enzymatic treatment on the nanostructure, carotenoid retention and sensory properties of ready-to-eat carrot chips. LWT - Food Science and Technology.
  6. Cárdenas-Pérez S., Méndez-Méndez J.V., Chanona-Pérez J.J., Zdunek A., Güemes-Vera N., Calderón-Domínguez G., Rodríguez-GonzálezF. 2017. Prediction of the nanomechanical properties of apple tissue during its ripening process from its firmness, color and microstructural parameters. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 39, 79–87. link
  7. Mierczyńska J., Cybulska J., Zdunek A., 2017. Rheological and chemical properties of pectin enriched fractions fromdifferent sources extracted with citric acid. Carbohydrate Polymers 156, 443–451. link
  8. Pieczywek P.M., Kozioł A., Konopacka D., Cybulska J., Zdunek A., 2017. Changes in cell wall stiffness and microstructure in ultrasonically treated apple. Journal of Food Engineering 197, 1-8. link



  1. Boguta P., Pieczywek P., Sokołowska Z., 2016 A Comparative Study of the Application of Fluorescence Excitation-Emission Matrices Combined with Parallel Factor Analysis and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization in the Analysis of Zn Complexation by Humic Acids. Sensors, Vol. 16(10), 1760, 1-20 link
  2. Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Kowalski R., Gruszecki W.:  Raman studies of gluten proteins aggregation induced by dietary fibres. Food Chemistry 2016, Vol. 194, 86-94. link 
  3. Chylińska M., Szymańska-Chargot M., Zdunek A. 2016:  FT-IR and FT-Raman characterization of non-cellulosic polysaccharides fractions isolated from plant cell wall, Carbohydrate Polymers 2016, Vol. 154, 48-54. link
  4. Myśliwiec D., Chylińska M., Szymańska-Chargot M., Chibowski S., Zdunek A. 2016:  Revision of adsorption models of xyloglucan on microcrystalline cellulose, Cellulose 2016, Vol. 23, 5, 2819-2829. link
  5. Zdunek A., Kozioł A., Cybulska J., Lekka M., Pieczywek P.M. 2016. The stiffening of the cell walls observed during physiological softening of pears. Planta, 243, 2, 519-529. link
  6. Chylińska M., Szymańska-Chargot M., Kruk B., Zdunek A. 2016. Study on dietary fibre by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy and chemometric methods. Food Chemistry, 196, 114-122. link
  7. Szymańska-Chargot M., Pieczywek P. M., Chylińska M.,  Zdunek A. 2016. Hyperspectral image analysis of Raman maps of plant cell walls for blind spectra characterization by nonnegative matrix factorization algorithm. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 151, 136–145. link
  8. Szymańska-Chargot M., Pieczywek P. M., Chylińska M., Rösch P., Schmitt M., Popp J.,  Zdunek A. 2016. Raman imaging of changes in the polysaccharides distribution in the cell wall during apple fruit development and senescence. Planta, 243, 935–945. DOI:10.1007/s00425-015-2456-4, link
  9. Cybulska J., Halaj M, Cepak V., Lukavsky J., Capek P. 2015. Nanostructure features of microalgae biopolymer. Starch, 67, 1–8. link
  10. Pieczywek P.M., Cybulska J., Dyki B., Konopacka D., Mieszczakowska-Frąc M., Zdunek A. 2016. New image analysis method for the estimation of global and spatial changes in fruit microstructure. International Agrophysics, 30, doi: 10.1515/intag-2015-0073. link
  11. Nawrocka A., Miś A., Szymańska-Chargot M.:  Characteristics of Relationships Between Structure of Gluten Proteins and Dough Rheology – Influence of Dietary Fibres Studied by FT-Raman Spectroscopy. Food Biophysics 2016, Vol. 11, 1, 81-90. link
  12. Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Wilczewska A., Markiewicz K.:  Dietary fiber-induced changes in the structure and thermal properties of gluten proteins studied by Fourier Transform-Raman Spectroscopy and Thermogravimetry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2016, Vol. 64, 10, 2094-2104. link
  13. Skic A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Kruk B., Chylińska M., Pieczywek P., Kurenda A., Zdunek A., Rutkowski K.:  Determination of the Optimum Harvest Window for Apples Using the Non-Destructive Biospeckle Method. Sensors 2016, Vol. 16, 661. link 



  1. Trębacz H., Zdunek A., Wlizło-Dyś E., Cybulska J., Pieczywek P. 2015. Effect of glucose on fatigue-induced changes in the microstructure and mechanical properties of demineralized bovine cortical bone. Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Functional Materials, 13(3): e220-e227. link
  2. Nawrocka A., Szymańska-Chargot M., Miś A., Ptaszyńska A., Kowalski R., Waśko P., Gruszecki W., 2015  Influence of dietary fibre on gluten proteins structure – a study on model flour with application of FT-Raman spectroscopy. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 46, 3, 309-316. link
  3. Cybulska J., Mierczyńska J., Pieczywek P., Stasiak M., Zdunek A. 2015. Wpływ jonów metali dwuwartościowych na właściwości reologiczne matrycy polisacharydowej z wytłoków jabłkowych. Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość. 2(99), 103-113. link
  4. Mierczyńska J., Cybulska J., Sołowiej B., Zdunek A., 2015. Effect of Ca2+, Fe2+ and Mg2+ on rheological properties of new food matrix made of modified cell wall polysaccharides from apple. Carbohydrate Polymers 133, 547–555. link
  5. Gajos R., Łopaciuk E., Dzido T.H., 2015. Influence of some operation variables on continuous separation process of orthogonal pressurized planar electrochromatography, Journal of Chromatography A, 1396 (2015) 131–139.
  6. Kozioł A., Cybulska J., Pieczywek P.M., Zdunek A., 2015. Evaluation of Structure and Assembly of Xyloglucan from Tamarind Seed (Tamarindus indica L.) with Atomic Force Microscopy, Food Biophysics, 4, 396-402, DOI 10.1007/s11483-015-9395-2
  7. Polak-Berecka M., Choma A., Waśko A., Górska S., Gamian A., Cybulska J., 2015. Physicochemical characterization of exopolysaccharides produced by Lactobacillus rhamnosus on various carbon sources. Carbohydrate Polymers, 117, 6, 501–509. DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.10.006
  8. Mierczyńska J., Cybulska J., Pieczywek P.M., Zdunek A. 2015. Effect of Storage on Rheology of Water-Soluble, Chelate-Soluble and Diluted Alkali-Soluble Pectin in Carrot Cell Walls. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 8, 171–180.
  9. Kurenda A., Stolarz M., Zdunek A., 2015 Electrical potential oscillations – movement relations in circumnutating sunflower stem and effect of ion channel and proton pump inhibitors on circumnutation, Physiologia Plantarum,  153: 307–317.
  10. Szymanska-Chargot M., Chylinska M., Kruk B., Zdunek A. 2015. Combining FT-IR spectroscopy and multivariate analysis for qualitative and quantitative analysis of the cell wall composition changes during apples development. Carbohydrate Polymers, 115, 93–103.
  11. Cybulska J., Zdunek A. , Kozioł A. 2015. The self-assembled network and physiological degradation of pectins in carrot cell walls, Food Hydrocolloids, 43, 41–50.


  1. Cybulska J., Brzyska A., Zdunek A., Woliński K., 2014. Simulation of Force Spectroscopy Experiments on Galacturonic Acid Oligomers, Plos One, 9, 9,
  2. Šír M., Tesař M., Lichner L., Czachor H. 2014. The effect of grass transpiration on the air temperaturę, Biologia 69/11: 1—, 2014, DOI: 10.2478/s11756-014-0469-2.
  3. Lichner L., Dušek J., Tesař M., Czachor H., Mészároš I. 2014 Heterogeneity of water flow in grassland soil during irrigation experiment. Biologia 69/11: 1—,
  4. Horel A., Lichner L., Alaoui A., Czachor H., Nagy V.,  Tóth E. 2014. Transport of iodide in structured clay–loam soil under maize during irrigation experiments analyzed using HYDRUS model. Biologia 69/11: 1—
  5. Borowiec K., Szwajgier D.,Targoński Z., Demchuk O.M., Cybulska J., Czernecki T., Malik A. 2014. Cholinesterase inhibitors isolated from bilberry fruit. Journal of Functional Foods, 11, 313–321. link
  6. Zdunek A., Kozioł A., Pieczywek P.M., Cybulska J. 2014. Evaluation of the Nanostructure of Pectin, Hemicellulose and Cellulose in the Cell Walls of Pears of Different Texture and Firmness. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 7, 12, 3525-3535.
  7. Kurenda A., Zdunek A.,, Schlüter O., Herppich W.B., 2014. VIS/NIR spectroscopy, chlorophyll fluorescence, biospeckle and backscattering to evaluate changes in apples subjected to hydrostatic pressures, Postharvest Biology and Technology, 96, 88-98. link
  8. Chylińska M., Szymańska-Chargot M., Zdunek A., 2014. Imaging of polysaccharides in the tomato cell wall with Raman microspectroscopy.Plant Methods, 10:14  doi:10.1186/1746-4811-10-14.
  9. Zdunek A., Pieczywek P.M., Adamiak A., Kurenda A., 2014. The biospeckle method for the investigation of agricultural crops: A review. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 52, 276-285. link
  10. Pieczywek M.P., Zdunek A., 2014. Finite element modelling of the mechanical behaviour of onion epidermis with incorporation of nonlinear properties of cell walls and real tissue geometry. Journal of Food Engineering, 123, 50-59. link
  11. Gancarz M., Konstankiewicz K., Zgórska K., 2014. Cell orientation in potato tuber parenchyma tissue. International Agrophysics, 28, 15-22. link
  12. Józefaciuk G., Czachor H., 2014. Impact of organic matter, iron oxides, alumina, silica and drying on mechanical and water stability of artificial soil aggregates. Assessment of new method to study water stability. Geoderma, 221-222, 1-10. link


  1. Zdunek A., Kurenda A., 2013. Determination of the Elastic Properties of Tomato Fruit Cells with an Atomic Force Microscope. Sensors, 13, 12175-12191. link
  2. Kurenda A., Pieczywek P.M., Adamiak A., Zdunek A., 2013. Effect of Cytochalasin B, Lantrunculin B, Colchicine, Cycloheximid, Dimethyl Sulfoxide and Ion Channel Inhibitors on Biospeckle Activity in Apple Tissue. Food Biophysics. DOI 10.1007/s11483-013-9302-7.
  3. Lichner L., Hallett P., Drongová Z., Kováčik L., Mataix-Solerae J., Homolák M., Czachor H., 2013:  Algae influence the hydrophysical parameters of a sandy soil. Catena, 108,
  4. Lichner L., Czachor H.. 2013.  Temperature influences water sorptivity of soil aggregates. Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, Vol. 61, 1, 84-87. link
  5. Zdunek A. 2013. Application of Acoustic Emission for Quality Evaluation of Fruits and Vegetables, Acoustic Emission - Research and Applications, Dr. Wojciech Sikorski (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1015-6, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/53985. link
  6. Szymanska-Chargot M., Zdunek A. 2013. Use of FT-IR Spectra and PCA to the Bulk Characterization of Cell Wall Residues of Fruits and Vegetables Along a Fraction Process. Food Biophysics, 8, 29–42. link
  7. Cybulska J., Zdunek A., Psonka-Antonczyk K.M, Stokke B.T. 2013. The relation of apple texture with cell wall nanostructure studied using an atomic force microscope. Carbohydrate Polymers 92, 128–137. link
  8. Trębacz H, Zdunek A, Cybulska J., Pieczywek P.M.. 2013. Effects of fatigue on microstructure and mechanical properties of bone organic matrix under compression, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 36:43–54. DOI 10.1007/s13246-013-0185-1.


  1. Szymanska-Chargot M., Adamiak A.,Zdunek A.. 2012. Pre-harvest monitoring of apple fruits development with the use of biospeckle method. Scientia Horticulturae 145, 23-28. link
  2. Cybulska J., Pieczywek P.M., Zdunek A.. 2012. The effect of Ca2+ and cellular structure on apple firmness and acoustic emission. European Food Research and Technology, 235, 119–128. link
  3. Adamiak A., Zdunek A., Kurenda A., Rutkowski K.. 2012. Application of the biospeckle method for monitoring bull’s eye rot development and quality changes of apples subjected to various storage methods-preliminary studies. Sensors, 12(3), 3215-3227. link
  4. Kurenda A., Adamiak A., Zdunek A.. 2012. Temperature effect on apple biospeckle activity evaluated with different indices. Postharvest Biology and Technology 67, 118–123. link
  5. Pieczywek P.M., Zdunek A.. 2012. Automatic classification of cells and intercellular spaces of apple tissue. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 81, 72–78. link
  6. Zdunek A., Herppich W.B.. 2012. Relation of biospeckle activity with chlorophyll content in apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 64, 58–63. link


  1. Szymanska-Chargot M., Gruszecka A., Smolira A., Bederski K.. 2011. Mass-spectrometric investigation of silver clusters. Acta Physica Polonica A, vol. 119, no. 6, 1012-1017. link
  2. Drogonova Z., H. Czachor, L. Kravcik, L. Lichner. 2011. Vplyw rias na hydrofizykalne parametere piesocnatej pody. Acta Hydrologica Slovaca. 12,2, 220-228.
  3. Trebacz H., Zdunek A., Dys W., Gieroba T., Wlizlo E.. 2011.. Effects of nonenzymatic glycation on mechanical properties of demineralized bone matrix under compression. J Appl Biomater Biomech, 9(2), 144 - 149. link
  4. Pieczywek P.M., Zdunek A., Umeda M.. 2011. Study on parameterisation of plant tissue microstructure by confocal microscopy for finite elements modelling. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 78, 98-105. link
  5. Zdunek A., Cybulska J.. 2011. Relation of Biospeckle Activity with Quality Attributes of Apples. Sensors, 11, 6317-6327. link
  6. Szymańska-Chargot M., Cybulska J., Zdunek A.. 2011. Sensing the structural differences in cellulose from apple and bacterial cell wall materials by Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy. Sensors, 11, 5543-5560. link
  7. Zdunek A., Cybulska J., Konopacka D., Rutkowski K.. 2011. Evaluation of apple texture with contact acoustic emission detector: a study on performance of calibration models. Journal of Food Engineering, 106, 80-87. link
  8. Trębacz H., Zdunek A.. 2011. Anisotropy of demineralized bone matrix under compressive load. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 13, 1, 71-76. link
  9. Zdunek A, Cybulska J., Konopacka D., Rutkowski K.. 2011. Inter-laboratory analysis of sensory texture of stored apples. International Agrophysics, 25, 67-75. link
  10. Cybulska J., Zdunek A., Konstankiewicz K.. 2011. Calcium effect on mechanical properties of model cell walls and apple tissue. Journal of Food Engineering, 102, 217–223. link


  1. Zdunek A., Cybulska J., Konopacka D., Rutkowski K.. 2010. New contact acoustic emission detector for texture evaluation of apples. Journal of Food Engineering, 99, 83-91. link
  2. Zdunek A., Konopacka D., and Jesionkowska K., 2010. Crispness and crunchiness judgment of apples based on contact acoustic emission. Journal of Texture Studies, 41, 75–91. link
  3. Cybulska J., Konstankiewicz K., Zdunek A., and Skrzypiec K.. 2010. Nanostructure of natural and model cell wall materials. International Agrophysics, 2010, 24, 107-114. link
  4. Cybulska, J., Vanstreels, E., Ho, Q.T., Courtin, C.M., Van Craeyveld, V., Nicolaï, B., Zdunek, A. and Konstankiewicz, K.. 2010. Mechanical characteristics of artificial cell walls. Journal of Food Engineering, 96, 287–294. link
  5. Lichner L., Hallett P.D, Orf´anus T., Czachor H., Rajkai K., S´ir M.,Tesaˇr M., 2010 Vegetation impact on the hydrology of an aeolian sandy soil in a continental climate. Ecohydrology, DOI: 10.1002/eco.153. link
  6. Czachor H, Doerr S., Lichner L.. 2010. Water retention of repellent and sub critical repellent soil: New insight from model and experimental investigations. Journal of Hydrology, 380, 1-2, 104-111. link



  1. Zdunek A., Gancarz M., Cybulska J., Ranachowski R., Zgórska K.. 2008. Turgor and temperature effect on fracture properties of potato tuber (cv. Irga, solanum tuberosum). International Agrophysics 22, 1, 89-97. link
  2. Zdunek A., 2008. Instrumentalna metoda oceny wybranych cech tekstury jabłek na podstawie emisji akustycznej. Acta Agrophysica, 155. link
  3. Zdunek A., Frankevych L., Konstankiewicz K., Ranachowski Z., 2008. Comparison of puncture test, acoustic emission and spatial-temporal speckle correlation technique as the methods for apple quality evaluation. Acta Agrophysica 11(1), 303-315. link
  4. Cybulska J., Zdunek A., Konskyy R., Konstankiewicz K., 2008. Image analysis of apple tissue cells after mechanical deformation. Acta Agrophysica 11(1), 57-69. link
  5. Zdunek A., Muravsky L., Frankevych L., Konstankiewicz K., 2007. New nondestructive method based on spatial-temporal speckle correlation technique for evaluation of apples quality during shelf-life. International Agrophysics 21, 3, 305-310. link
  6. Gancarz M., Konstankiewicz K., 2007. Changes of cellular structure of potato tuber parenchyma tissues during storage. Research in Agricultural Engineering 53, (2), 75–78. link
  7. Gancarz M., Konstankiewicz K., Pawlak K., Zdunek A., 2007. Analysis of plant tissue images obtained by confocal tandem scanning reflected light microscope. International Agrophysics 21, 1, 49-54. link
  8. Zdunek A., Konskyy R., Cybulska J., Konstankiewicz K., Umeda M., 2007. Visual texture analysis for cell size measurements from confocal images. International Agrophysics 21, 4, 409-414. link
  9. Trębacz H., Zdunek A., 2006. Three-point bending and acoustic emission study of adult rat femora after immobilization and free remobilization. Journal of Biomechanics 39, 2, 237-245. link
  10. Zdunek A., Bednarczyk J., 2006. Effect of mannitol treatment on ultrasound emission during texture profile analysis of potato and apple tissue. Journal of Texture Studies 37, 339-359. link
  11. Zdunek A., Umeda M., 2006. Extension and fracture of cell walls after parenchyma tissue deformation. Biosystems Engineering 93 (3), 269–278. link
  12. Zdunek A., Ranachowski Z., 2006. Acoustic emission in puncture test of apples during shelf-life. Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, 9(4), 30. link
  13. Zdunek A., Umeda M., 2005. Influence of cell size and cell wall volume fraction on failure properties of potato and carrot tissue. Journal of Texture Studies 36, 25–43. link
  14. Konstankiewicz K., Zdunek A., 2005. Micro-structure analysis of plant tissue. Centre of Excellence AGROPHYSICS, Lublin 2005.
  15. Zdunek A., Konstankiewicz K., 2004. Acoustic emission in investigation of plant tissue micro-cracking. Transaction of the ASAE 47(4), 1171-1177. link
  16. Zdunek A., Umeda M., Konstankiewicz K., 2004. Method of parenchyma cells parametrisation using fluorescence images obtained by Confocal Scanning Laser Microscope Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities, 7(1). link