- The study of the molecular structure of self-organizing pectin fraction from plant walls. Kierownik/Leader: dr hab. Artur Zdunek, prof. IA PAN, NCN OPUS9: 2015/17/B/NZ9/03589, 2016-2019.
- Analiza procesu deestryfikacji związków pektynowych przy zastosowaniu obrazowania i spektroskopii sił AFM. Leader: Justyna Cybulska, IUVENTUS PLUS, MNiSW, IP2011 007871, 2012-2014.
- Atomic force microscope (AFM) study on enzymatic degradation of polysaccharides structure in cell wall of fruit. Leader: Artur Zdunek, NCN, 2011-2014. more
- The studies of cellulose microfibrils organization and structure and their influence on mechanical properties of cell wall during the development, ripening and storage of fruits. Leader: Monika Szymańska-Chargot, NCN, 2011-2014.
- Numerical modelling of plant tissue mechanical deformation with use of finite element method. Leader: Piotr M. Pieczywek, NCN, 2011-2013.
- New texture-modifying agent on the basis of waste products of fruit and vegetable industry. Leader: Justyna Cybulska, LIDER, NCBiR, 2011-2014. more
- Spektroskopia mechaniczna AFM amorficznych i krystalicznych form celulozy w środowisku biopolimerów ścian komórkowych. Kierownik/Leader: Justyna Cybulska, IUVENTUS PLUS, MNiSW, IP2010 005770, 2011-2012
- Development of device for non-destructive evaluation of fruit and vegetables based on biospeckles. Leader: Artur Zdunek, badawczo-rozwojowy NCBiR, NR 12 0137 10, 2011-2012. more
- European network on applications of Atomic Force Microscopy to NanoMedicine and Life Sciences (AFM4NanoMed&Bio). Kierownik/Leader: Artur Zdunek: Management Committee Member, COST Action TD1002, 2010-2014. more
- The application of innovative fundamental food-structure-property relationships to the design of foods for health, wellness and pleasure. Kierownik/Leader: Artur Zdunek: Management Committee Substitute Member. COST Action FA1001, 2010-2014. more
- Does biospeckle dynamic relate with chlorophyll content of apples?. Kierownik/Leader: Artur Zdunek, DAAD, A/10/05951, 10-11.2010. more
- Surface topography nanostructure of model and natural plant cell wall assemblies. Kierownik/Leader: Justyna Cybulska. The Research Council of Norway. 02-03.2010. more
- Prototype of device for crispness and texture evaluation of apples based on acoustic emission. Leader: Artur Zdunek, badawczo-rozwojowy NCBiR, NR 12 0031 04, 2008-2010. more