Does biospeckle dynamic relate with chlorophyll content of apples?

Title: Does biospeckle dynamic relate with chlorophyll content of apples?


Collaboration: the Leibniz-Institute for Agricultural Engineering Potsdam-Bornim, Germany + Institute of Agrophysics PAS in Lublin, Poland

Responsible: Artur Zdunek, host researcher: Werner B. Herppich

Period: October-November 2010

Financed by DAAD: Forschungsaufenthalte für Hochschullehrer und Wissenschaftler



At present the biospeckle phenomenon is not well understood, although methodology aspects and performance of the method for horticultural products is still researched. One of the issues which should be checked is the interpretation of the biospeckle dynamic for a certain material and why or when the dynamic changes with material characteristics. Usually, a 630 nm laser light source is used for biospeckle measurements. This wavelength is absorbed by chlorophyll. Therefore, it can be suspected that the amount and the photosynthetic activity of chlorophyll can influence on biospeckle dynamics. Hence, the goal of the proposed research is to characterize the potential relationship between chlorophyll content and biospeckle dynamics.



Zdunek A., Herppich W.B.. 2012. Relation of biospeckle activity with chlorophyll content in apples. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 64, 58–63. link